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Press Releases

Press release
Press release

Descendants of Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Davis and the principal figures in the infamous Dred Scott decision will come together for a Symposium on Reconciliation and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts on July 1...

Symposium will bring together descendants of Dred Scott, Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Davis

Descendants of Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson Davis and the principal figures in the infamous Dred Scott decision will come together for a Symposium on Reconciliation and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts on July 1...

Dred Scott, Reconciliation, Ethnic Fairness...
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One of the most influential voices in legal education, U.C. Berkeley Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, will speak on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno later this month as part of The National Judicial Co...

Famed legal scholar coming to Reno to lecture on free speech on campus and damaging effects of Supreme Court decisions

One of the most influential voices in legal education, U.C. Berkeley Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, will speak on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno later this month as part of The National Judicial Co...

A special exhibit commemorating the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta will be hosted at The National Judicial College on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno from April 9 to May ...

Library of Congress exhibit of the Magna Carta coming to The National Judicial College

A special exhibit commemorating the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta will be hosted at The National Judicial College on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno from April 9 to May ...

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