Tens of thousands of judges from all 50 states have completed our legendary introductory course for newly appointed and elected state trial judges.
Courses for all kinds of judges at every stage of their careers
The NJC serves state trial court judges, administrative law judges, limited jurisdiction judges, military judges, tribal judges, even commissioners of licensing bodies.
For judges and taught by judges
The overwhelming majority of NJC courses are taught by active and retired judges from across the nation who volunteer their time. They actually compete for the honor of teaching their colleagues.
No other entity comes close to the National Tribal Judicial Center in terms of the depth and breadth of educational programming provided to tribal courts.
Our Dividing the Waters Program connects judges, special masters and referees who preside over complex water litigation to the information and training resources they need to resolve some of the most difficult disputes about how to allocate and share this most precious and communal resource.
The affiliated Judicial Studies Graduate Degree Program of the University of Nevada, Reno offers a master’s and a doctorate. The Doctor of Judicial Studies is the only such program in the world.
For judges who want to concentrate studies in a focused academic area
Why Reno?
The NJC was established in northern Nevada – though we now teach all over the country and beyond — largely thanks to the efforts of a judge who attended our first course—in a different city.
What judges say aboutNJC courses
“I attended the course Drugs in America Today: What Every Judge Needs to Know. I can say without exaggeration, it was the best training I have ever attended.”
Hon. Candyce Cline,
Westminster Municipal Court, Westminster, Colorado
“A well-educated judiciary can mean the difference between justice served and justice denied. The NJC’s contribution to the judiciary nationwide is immeasurable.”
Hon. Jill M. Martinez,
Metropolitan Court, Division VIII, Bernalillo County, New Mexico
“Thank you for an amazing experience [in Administrative Law: Fair Hearing].”
Hon. Zhen Zhang,
California Public Utilities Commission
CHICAGO – The American Bar Association Judicial Division announced recently that TheNational Ju…
In a recent survey, just over half of judges who responded said the public physical and verbal attacks on t…
The National Judicial College is mourning the loss of former faculty member Judge Duane Harves, who passed …
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Do’s Manage your cases systematically Devise a system that works for you and your organizational…