Board of Trustees

The College’s Board of Trustees sets policy, fosters a climate of excellence, promotes the development of innovative judicial education programs, and provides leadership in achieving the NJC’s mission. Trustees are dedicated individuals from diverse fields encompassing the law and the judiciary as well as business and corporate areas.

Chair, Hon. Mary-Margaret Anderson (Ret.)

Chair-Elect, Hon. Leslie A. Hayashi (Ret.)

Treasurer, Darcee S. Siegel, Esq.

Secretary, Hon. Samuel A. Thumma

Immediate Past Chair, Robert Hunter, Esq.

Linda Ammons

Matthew Archer-Beck

Brandon Barkhuff

Susan H. Briggs

Hon. Robert S. Cohen

A. Clifford Edwards, Esq.

Eileen M. Letts, Esq.

Robert L. Parks, Esq.

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