Emeritus Trustees

The Emeritus Trustee designation, created in 2018, pays tribute to outstanding former trustees and recognizes their institutional memory of the NJC and its development, community reach, economic well-being and importance to the legal community. Emeritus trustees are invited to board meetings (as non-voting members) and to events at the direction of the current chair or president.

Marybel Batjer

Lydia Beebe, Esq.

Hon. Janet Berry (Ret.)

Al Brayton, Esq.

Hon. Sophia H. Hall

Kim D. Hogrefe

Judge J. Matthew Martin

William H. Neukom

Philip G. Satre

Tony F. Sanchez III, Esq.

Matt Sweeney, Esq.

Ann Thornton Field
Mark G. Tratos, Esq.