AJEI Conduct Policy

The Appellate Judges Education Institute (AJEI) strives to provide a conference experience where all people and viewpoints are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness. AJEI’s conduct policy is not intended to constrain responsible scholarly or professional discourse and debate. AJEI does not, however, tolerate sexual harassment or harassment of any kind by conference participants.

Individuals engaging in behavior prohibited by this policy, as well as those making allegations of harassment in bad faith, will be subject to appropriate action by representatives of AJEI. Such actions may range from issuing a verbal warning to directing the individual to leave the conference or activity in question without refunding registration fees. Repeat offenders may be subject to further action, such as being banned from participating in future AJEI conferences or other AJEI sponsored activities.

If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.