Advanced Judicial Writing (JS 626)



Conference Fee


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Course Location

Reno, NV

Course Fees



Conference Fee


Reno, NV

April 8, 2024 to April 11, 2024

A concentrated study of the rules of English composition as they apply to legal writing is the focus of this course.

Court-connected personnel such as staff attorneys who write opinions for the court are also encouraged to attend.


Course $1499

Conference Fee $369

Scholarships programs

Scholarship assistance makes NJC courses more affordable for judges.

What will I learn?

During this course, you will learn to:

  • Analyze a wide range of argument patterns;
  • Identify multiple aims and audiences of judicial writing;
  • Deconstruct complex legal sentences;
  • Recognize and improve sentence patterns associated with issues, statements, findings of fact, and legal conclusions;
  • Articulate your judicial reasoning concisely, clearly, and coherently to achieve your purpose; and
  • Apply principles of style.

Pre-Course writing assignment for Advanced Judicial Writing:

Judges enrolled in the course will study style and argumentation each morning, then work intensively on individual writing projects each afternoon. One of the pre-course assignments is to submit two judicial decisions to be analyzed during the morning sessions. Please limit these two judicial decisions to be 10 pages or less.

In addition to the two judicial decisions, we also invite you to define the writing project you would like to pursue each afternoon. You may want to work on a major decision or series of decisions, a law review article or article for an academic journal, a court related project already underway, or another project important to you. You will receive additional information from the course administrator requesting this information under separate cover following confirmation of your enrollment in the course.

Prerequisite: Any judge or court-affiliated staff person with extensive writing duties who has previously attended Judicial Writing or other one-week state or national judicial writing program approved by The National Judicial College may attend the course. This course will extend skills developed in Judicial Writing.

- This course qualifies for 2 credits toward the Master of Judicial Studies Degree Program and Judicial Studies Doctoral Program at the University of Nevada, Reno upon successful completion of the course and passing the course exam. In addition, this course qualifies for The National Judicial College Certificate in Judicial Development Administrative Law Adjudication Skills, Appellate Judicial Skills, Dispute Resolution Skills, General Jurisdiction Trial Skills, Special Court Trial Skills, and the Tribal Judicial Skills disciplines. - This course is eligible for Continuing Legal and Judicial Education (CLE/CJE) credits under most state boards/bars/commissions. - Please check with the state which you intend to file with regarding filing requirements for CLE/CJE consideration. - CLE/CJE credit hour estimates* are 23 hours total credits. No ethics credits are available. *Estimated credits are subject to change based upon final agenda provided on start date of course.

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Court-connected personnel such as staff attorneys who write opinions for the court are also encouraged to attend.

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