Advanced Trial Skills for Judges: Managing the Jury Trial



Conference Fee


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Course Location

Reno, NV

Course Fees



Conference Fee


Reno, NV

November 3, 2025 to November 5, 2025

This program is designed for full-time, sitting judges who preside over jury trials. The course will provide you with the tools to take a proactive role in handling jury trials, including jury orientation and management, voir dire, witness questioning, jury instructions, taking of the jury verdict, and more. Additionally, faculty will explore the ways that implicit bias can affect juror decision-making.


Tuitiion $989

Conference Fee $318

Scholarships programs

Scholarship assistance makes NJC courses more affordable for judges.


Why should I take this course?

This program is designed for full-time, sitting judges who preside over jury trials. You will be provided with the tools to take a proactive role in handling jury trials, including jury orientation and management, voir dire, witness questioning, jury instructions, taking of the jury verdict, and more. Additionally, faculty will explore the ways that implicit bias can affect juror decision-making.

Who should attend?

Priority will be given to full-time, sitting judges who preside over jury trials currently. All levels of experience welcome.

How is this course taught?

The course is a mix of classroom presentation, interactive dialogue, workshops, and small-group discussions. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their particular trial problems for discussion with the faculty and with colleagues from other states.

Does this course qualify for credits in the Judicial Studies degree program?

No, but this course does qualify for the Certificate in Judicial Development, Dispute Resolution Skills, General Jurisdiction Trial Skills, and Special Court Trial Skills.

What should I tell my presiding judge or funding agency so that my attendance will be approved?

This course provides judges with a rare opportunity to share jury trial management techniques with faculty and colleagues from around the country. Ideas generated at this course will help them to adjudicate cases more efficiently and fairly.

Whom should I contact for more information?

For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (800) 255-8343 or

This course qualifies for The National Judicial College Certificate in Judicial Development program General Jurisdiction Trial Skills, Leadership Enrichment & Jurisprudence Skills, and Special Court Trial Skills disciplines.

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This program is designed for full-time, sitting judges who preside over jury trials. The course will provide you with the tools to take a proactive role in handling jury trials, including jury orientation and management, voir dire, witness questioning, jury instructions, taking of the jury verdict, and more. Additionally, faculty will explore the ways that implicit bias can affect juror decision-making.

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