Advanced Tribal Bench Skills: Competence, Confidence and Control



Conference Fee


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Course Location

Reno, NV

Course Fees



Conference Fee


Reno, NV

October 11, 2021 to October 14, 2021

This four-day course is highly interactive and designed to give tribal judges more confidence in handling all aspects of trials.

You will participate in daily workshops on professionalism, ethics, the role of the judge, and techniques for maintaining control of the trial process. After attending this course, you will be able to: preside over fair and impartial trials; create an appropriate trial environment; articulate and enforce ground rules for trial conduct by advocates; and efficiently handle unexpected events that frequently occur during a trial.

This course is being presented simultaneously with an online version. Go to this link to register for the online option:


Course $1239.00

Conference Fee $299.00

Scholarships programs

Scholarship assistance makes NJC courses more affordable for judges.

What will I learn?

During this course, you will learn to:

  • Maintain control of your courtroom.
  • Preside over fair and impartial proceedings.
  • Implement and enforce court rules for appropriate conduct by advocates.
  • Identify and resolve ethical dilemmas.
  • Make solid evidentiary rulings.
  • Identify judgment and sentencing models.

Why should I take this course?
This course will give you the confidence you need to effectively and competently handle the cases that come before your court. You will learn different techniques to address all manner of issues that may arise during trial.

Who should attend?
All tribal judges who wish to increase their skill level on the bench should attend.

Who are the members of the faculty?
Faculty members will be drawn from a pool of respected judges and instructors from Indian Country.

How is this course taught?
The faculty uses experiential learning techniques that include lectures, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to increase your skills on the bench.

What should I tell my presiding judge or funding agency so that my attendance will be approved?
A confident and competent judiciary is a cornerstone of a strong tribal nation. Improving your skills as a tribal judge will help to preserve the integrity of your court while improving procedural fairness in your court system.

This course qualifies for The National Judicial College Certificate in Judicial Development program Tribal Judicial Skills discipline.

Register Now.

You will participate in daily workshops on professionalism, ethics, the role of the judge, and techniques for maintaining control of the trial process. After attending this course, you will be able to: preside over fair and impartial trials; create an appropriate trial environment; articulate and enforce ground rules for trial conduct by advocates; and efficiently handle unexpected events that frequently occur during a trial.

This course is being presented simultaneously with an online version. Go to this link to register for the online option:

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