Ethical and Procedural Challenges for Administrative Law Judges: Handling Complex Issues and Cases



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Fridays at 12 p.m. Pacific

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April 7, 2025 to May 9, 2025

Being a judge in the administrative world is challenging, now more than ever.

Administrative law judges face a whole host of challenges and pressures that are different than those faced by Article III judges and other state court of record judges. Whether you are a local, state, or federal administrative law judge, this course is designed to address the issues unique to administrative adjudicators and proceedings they conduct. This faculty-led online course uses hypothetical and real-world scenarios, interactive learning activities, and online discussion to explore the distinct challenges that face the administrative law judge in today’s world. Discussions focus on the ethical, procedural, and political pressures facing the administrative law judiciary, local, state, and federal. You’ll be able to apply relevant model codes to your daily activities and learn tools for dealing with difficult litigants, internal and external governmental pressures, and interpersonal issues that arise in administrative judicial settings.


Course $600

Scholarships programs

Scholarship assistance makes NJC courses more affordable for judges.

What will I learn?

During this course, you will learn to:

  • Identify and distinguish between proper and improper courtroom related behavior.
  • Identify and distinguish between proper and improper action in dealing with self-represented litigants.
  • Identify and distinguish between proper and improper action in dealing with ex parte communications and external pressures.
  • Identify and explain how bias and stereotyping may impact court proceedings and how to rectify it.
  • Identify and address improper efforts to interfere with judicial independence (subtle and blatant) from inside and outside your agency and employ ethical and practical approaches to insulate yourself and the process from those efforts.
  • Employ ethical and practical approaches to address cases where agency precedent and policy may appear incongruent with your interpretation of statutory language and/or controlling state or federal case law.
  • Identify and address interpersonal issues that arise inside and outside of case proceedings.
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Administrative law judges face a whole host of challenges and pressures that are different than those faced by Article III judges and other state court of record judges. Whether you are a local, state, or federal administrative law judge, this course is designed to address the issues unique to administrative adjudicators and proceedings they conduct. This faculty-led online course uses hypothetical and real-world scenarios, interactive learning activities, and online discussion to explore the distinct challenges that face the administrative law judge in today’s world. Discussions focus on the ethical, procedural, and political pressures facing the administrative law judiciary, local, state, and federal. You’ll be able to apply relevant model codes to your daily activities and learn tools for dealing with difficult litigants, internal and external governmental pressures, and interpersonal issues that arise in administrative judicial settings.

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