Impaired Driving in Indian Country

This course is fully funded for eligible participants.


A limited number of travel/lodging stipends are available. Stipend seating is limited and first come first served.


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Days & Times


Daily schedule Monday through Wednesday (unless otherwise noted) is:
– 8:00 a.m. – 4:50 p.m. (class end times Monday – Tuesday may conclude earlier based upon curriculum)
– Course concludes with graduation on Wednesday from 3:50 p.m. to 4:10 p.m.

– Lunch break is scheduled daily at 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (you are on your own for lunch)

Course Location

Course Fees

This course is fully funded for eligible participants.


A limited number of travel/lodging stipends are available. Stipend seating is limited and first come first served.


October 16, 2023 to October 18, 2023

DUI cases can be complicated and confusing.

Judges must balance the different competing interests that often are present in a DUI prosecution. It is important that judges know about the intricacies of the stop, search and seizure issues, arrests, and a myriad of other criminal procedure issues, including motions for bail and sentencing issues. Further, judges need to be able to rule upon issues with regard to breathalyzer, blood/alcohol tests, field sobriety tests and have an understanding of the pharmacological effects of alcohol and drugs. Many cases involve the self-represented litigant which presents additional concerns and challenges. This program provides judges with state-of-the art information on these subjects and many others.

Through a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), The National Judicial College (NJC) is presenting this three-day program. A limited number of travel/lodging stipends are available. Stipend seating is limited and first come first served.


This course is fully funded for eligible participants. $0

A limited number of travel/lodging stipends are available. Stipend seating is limited and first come first served. $0

What will I learn?

During this course, you will learn to:

  • Analyze circumstances providing legal basis for stop, search, seizure & arrest and admissibility of testimonial or physical evidence;
  • Enhance judge's ability to rule on evidentiary issues;
  • Apply the elements of a constitutionally valid guilty plea;
  • Identify legal issues presented concerning field sobriety tests and other demonstrative evidence per individual Tribal Code;
  • Deal with special concerns regarding the self-represented litigant;
  • Recognize and discuss principles of pharmacology to more effectively evaluate expert testimony; and
  • Appraise and design effective sentences.

Who should attend?

All tribal judges who wish to increase their skill level on the bench should attend.

Who are the members of the faculty?

Faculty members will be drawn from a pool of respected judges and instructors from Indian Country.

How is this course taught?

The faculty uses experiential learning techniques that include lectures, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to increase your skills on the bench.

What should I tell my presiding judge or funding agency so that my attendance will be approved?

A confident and competent judiciary is a cornerstone of a strong tribal nation. Improving your skills as a tribal judge will help to preserve the integrity of your court while improving procedural fairness in your court system.

Whom should I contact for more information?

For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (800) 255-8343 or

This course qualifies for The National Judicial College Certificate in Judicial Development program Administrative Law Adjudication Skills, Special Court Trial Skills and Tribal Judicial Skills disciplines. - CLE/CJE credit hour estimates* are 16 hours total credits. There are no ethics credits available. *Estimated credits are subject to change based upon final agenda provided on start date of course.

Register Now.

Judges must balance the different competing interests that often are present in a DUI prosecution. It is important that judges know about the intricacies of the stop, search and seizure issues, arrests, and a myriad of other criminal procedure issues, including motions for bail and sentencing issues. Further, judges need to be able to rule upon issues with regard to breathalyzer, blood/alcohol tests, field sobriety tests and have an understanding of the pharmacological effects of alcohol and drugs. Many cases involve the self-represented litigant which presents additional concerns and challenges. This program provides judges with state-of-the art information on these subjects and many others.

Through a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), The National Judicial College (NJC) is presenting this three-day program. A limited number of travel/lodging stipends are available. Stipend seating is limited and first come first served.

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