Managing Cases Involving Commercial Driver’s Licenses
Tuition: Call for Eligibility
Conference Fee
Course Location
Reno, NV
Course Fees
Tuition: Call for Eligibility
Conference Fee
NJC will present a three day face-to-face stand-alone CDL course for an anticipated audience of at least 35 judges, ALJs, and other CDL adjudication stakeholders from across the nation. In addition to addressing the issues of what constitutes a CMV, an analysis of the existing CDL Code of Federal Regulations, definitions such as “conviction,” disqualification sentencing parameters, and masking. Additional topics such as drugged driving, distracted driving, and elder/youth driver issues will be addressed.
Tuition: Call for Eligibility $0
Conference Fee $199
During this course, you will learn to:
- Describe what constitutes a commercial motor vehicle;
- Interpret the code of federal regulations (CFR) and how it interrelates with state law;
- Define “conviction” under federal law for purposes of sentencing;
- Summarize the judicial ethical rules that commercial driver’s license (CDL) cases present;
- Assess whether a proposed plea bargain violates federal “masking” laws; and
- Determine whether a driver’s actions constitute drugged or distracted driving.
Managing Cases Involving Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) addresses what constitutes a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), analyzes the existing CDL Code of Federal Regulations, defines “conviction” for purposes of sentencing, and assists judges in assessing whether “masking” has occurred, a violation of federal law. NJC faculty will assist judges in determining whether a driver’s actions constitute drugged or distracted driving, and aid them in assessing the myriad of issues presented by elder and youthful drivers.
Who should attend?
Any judges who hear traffic cases, or anticipate they will preside over a traffic docket in the future. Traffic issues affect all cases universally, thus it is always beneficial for a judge to be well-versed in the most pressing topics which are occurring today, and know how to manage the issues in an effective manner.
Who are the members of the faculty?
The faculty is composed of experienced judges, professors, physicians, consultants, attorneys, and law enforcement officers, who have a mastery of teaching the skills needed to effectively manage a traffic court docket, and will provide valuable best practices information regarding traffic case adjudication.
How is this course taught?
Classroom presentations are balanced with problem solving sessions, case studies, small group discussions, and video demonstration. The faculty encourages you to interact during class and make themselves available outside of the classroom for informal discussion of issues and problems.
Whom should I contact for more information?
For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (800) 255-8343 or registrar@judges.org.

NJC will present a three day face-to-face stand-alone CDL course for an anticipated audience of at least 35 judges, ALJs, and other CDL adjudication stakeholders from across the nation. In addition to addressing the issues of what constitutes a CMV, an analysis of the existing CDL Code of Federal Regulations, definitions such as “conviction,” disqualification sentencing parameters, and masking. Additional topics such as drugged driving, distracted driving, and elder/youth driver issues will be addressed.