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Pages from 60 Outstanding Judges LV Powerpoint
Pages from 60 Outstanding Judges LV Powerpoint

As it observes the 60th anniversary of its founding, The National Judicial College has compiled a list of 60 Courageous Judges.   Founded in 1963 and headquartered in Reno, Nevada, since 1964, the NJC ...

National Judicial College names 60 Courageous Judges to mark its 60th anniversary

As it observes the 60th anniversary of its founding, The National Judicial College has compiled a list of 60 Courageous Judges.   Founded in 1963 and headquartered in Reno, Nevada, since 1964, the NJC ...

The Roberts Court, October 2022
The Roberts Court, October 2022

Ask judges if they think there should be term limits for justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and you get strong and widely varying opinions. We know because our Question of the Month* emai...

Many judges support term limits for SCOTUS, but it’s complicated

Ask judges if they think there should be term limits for justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and you get strong and widely varying opinions. We know because our Question of the Month* emai...


The majority of trial judges who responded to our October survey about jury service said yes, they have noticed an increase in the number of people ignoring summonses to serve.   Some said this ...

Poll finds judges are concerned about increasing numbers of people ignoring summonses for jury duty

The majority of trial judges who responded to our October survey about jury service said yes, they have noticed an increase in the number of people ignoring summonses to serve.   Some said this ...

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