The National Judicial College wishes to acknowledge the International Academy of Trial Lawyers (IATL) for its generous support. The two organizations have aligned objectives to promote and protect the constitutional right of trial by jury. IATL’s sponsorship has been invaluable in furthering the NJC’s work in this area.
Welcome to the NJC’s Resource Center for judges on jury trials. Several national organizations are doing important work in this area and have contributed to this Resource Center. The unique role the NJC plays is equipping judges with the knowledge and skills they need to manage jury trials, as well as helping judges fulfill the leadership position they occupy in their courts and communities within the ethical constraints of their states.
Judges Resource Guide for Managing Jury Trials: Click here to download the PDF file released in 2016.
Judge’s Resource Guide: Managing Jury Trials
Table of Contents
- Case Management Toward Trial
- Judicial Trial Management
- The Trial Management Conference
- Focus on Jurors
- Technology
- Creating a Judicial Trial Notebook
- Civility
- Challenges