Contribute to Research in the Field of Justice

The National Judicial College has once again been tapped for assistance with two research projects in the field of justice. As a courtesy to these institutions, we’re passing these opportunities along to our readers to allow them an opportunity to participate in research that affects judges. All of these projects ask that judges participate in a brief Internet-based survey.

The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver (IAALS) is hoping to identify the educational resources available to judicial officers handling family law matters, particularly those involving divorcing and separating families with children. The information will inform the Honoring Families Initiative research report, exploring the degree to which states are offering specialized education to judicial officers handling divorce and separation, and parental responsibility matters, and highlighting the themes and areas of divergence in how states are undertaking such education. This report is intended to be a resource to state judicial educators and also to inform future thinking on the development of competency-based recommendations for judicial education in these areas. Upon the study’s completion, the IAALS report will be circulated to all participating jurisdictions and posted on the IAALS webpage at To complete this important survey, please click here. If another individual in your jurisdiction is better positioned to take this survey, please feel free to forward the link.

As part of an ongoing project investigating access to justice, researchers at the University of Washington, Indiana University and University of California Santa Barbara are conducting a study of how judges make decisions in employment discrimination cases. Participation in the study will involve reading a brief memo online and then deciding how you would handle the case. It should take no more than 7 minutes of your time. To access the study, please click here.

The NJC is housed on the historic 255-acre campus of the University of Nevada, Reno. For over 50 years, the NJC has been offering courses to improve judicial productivity, challenge current perceptions of justice and inspire judges to achieve judicial excellence. The NJC is a Nevada not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational entity affiliated with the American Bar Association, governed by a Board of Trustees.

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