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sobriety test
sobriety test

By Hon. Scott Bergstedt The case of Missouri v. McNeely, U.S. 133 S.Ct. 1552(2013) has caused many jurisdictions to require a search warrant in order to get a blood sample from a DUI defendant th...

DUI Search Warrants Made Easy

By Hon. Scott Bergstedt The case of Missouri v. McNeely, U.S. 133 S.Ct. 1552(2013) has caused many jurisdictions to require a search warrant in order to get a blood sample from a DUI defendant th...

MIchigan Commerce
MIchigan Commerce

As commerce evolves, so does the nature of commercial litigation. Courts have had to adapt to this evolution with creative solutions like special courts, specialized dockets, or specialized judges. This arti...

Business Courts: Michigan Responds to 21st Century Commerce

As commerce evolves, so does the nature of commercial litigation. Courts have had to adapt to this evolution with creative solutions like special courts, specialized dockets, or specialized judges. This arti...


As most appellate judges will tell you, case conferencing is critical to the development of an opinion on an appellate matter. A judge may enter the conference with one view as to the case’s proper outco...

The Small-Group Effect on Appellate Opinion

As most appellate judges will tell you, case conferencing is critical to the development of an opinion on an appellate matter. A judge may enter the conference with one view as to the case’s proper outco...

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